General Change


Every year our customers make an annual investment in the General Change budget.

This funds the delivery of changes approved by the industry elected Data Services Contract (DSC) Change Management Committee (ChMC).

Changes that are selected for implementation go through extensive industry consultation, passing through what’s known as the ‘capture’ process. Those driven by regulatory amendments, for example amendments to the Uniform Network Code (UNC), also follow the code modification process.

You can find more information on this investment theme, along with the benefits these activities will deliver, in our 2022 Business Plan.


General Change is delivered through our DSC change process

You can find a list of all DSC changes in our customer change register.

Customer change register


Visit our ‘How we manage change’ page to find out more about how we facilitate industry change.

How we manage change


Get in touch

If you have any questions about this investment theme, or if you'd like to know more, please email