30 September 2020
Briefing Session for external Gemini users on 15th October
During July a number of workshops were held with external users of the Gemini system. The aim of the workshops was to discuss a range of proposed improvements. We would like to thank those who attended for their valuable contributions. Xoserve and National Grid have been working together to understand the necessary system changes and develop a delivery plan.
We would now like to invite you to a briefing session where we will present the changes being made to Gemini and the timeline for the project.
When and where is it?
The briefing will be held via MS Teams on Thursday 15th October between 10:00 - 12:00.
How to sign up for the briefing
You can register your interest by contacting the project team via the box account - box.xoserve.GeminiSystemEnhancements@xoserve.com
For more information:
If you would like further information you can contact the project team via the box account - box.xoserve.GeminiSystemEnhancements@xoserve.com
Alternatively you can contact the following project leads:
National Grid – Ian Bennett (Project and Change Delivery Manager) – Ian.Bennett1@nationalgrid.com
Xoserve – Nicola Patmore (Xoserve Project Manager) - nicola.patmore@xoserve.com
If you are unable to attend the briefing but would like to receive any presentation materials please contact the project team via the box account - box.xoserve.GeminiSystemEnhancements@xoserve.com
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