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Meter points showing historic discrepancies

Investigations find some meter points are showing historic discrepancies.

Updated: Thursday 28 March 2024 - 4:15pm


Following the DCC P1 incident in July 2023, there was a requirement for Xoserve to update GES and the APIs. We released an update to GES on 4 November 2023, to fix some of the requirements identified.

Since that deployment we have been investigating some tickets that have been raised, which reported a number of Supply Meter Points NOT impacted by the P1 issue having misaligned dates incorrectly highlighted in the portal.

Initial investigations have found that a population of meter points are affected which are showing historic discrepancies. The examples that we have looked at have a discrepancy showing the UNC Confirmation Effective Date in 2010 and a CSS Effective Date in 2014, where the UNC Confirmation Effective Date is correct at 2010. This discrepancy existed prior to the fix, but this has been highlighted following the P1 fix to highlight the mismatch in dates by the conditional formatting defined in Requirement 4 and 5.

We have concluded our investigations and have identified the fix needed. Further information on this next phase will follow shortly.

You can read or download further information on the changes made so far following the DCC P1 incident below.

GES changes following the DCC P1


UIG allocation issues 

There are currently issues with UIG allocation for the following:

Updated: Friday 26 July 2024 - 10:45am


LDZ = SO; Gas Day = 16/07/2024; Status = UIG will NOT be corrected within D+5. The Distribution Network has confirmed this has been caused by a major gas leak which has now been resolved. Information regarding the adjustment process will be confirmed asap.

LDZ = WS; Gas Day = 23/07/2024; Status = Corrected within D+5 closeout.

For information, historical issues relating to UIG Allocation are recorded in the UIG Allocation Issues Tracker on the UIG webpage

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