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XRN 5120
MAP to UKL Monthly Comparison Service

Last Updated
11 Jun 2021
Release Type
Implementation Date
Proposer E.ON Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 18

Provision of User Reports and Information

Customer Change Team Leader


Please be aware that XRN5120 (A&B) has formally been withdrawn as per agreement with ChMC on the 9th June 2021.

ChMC constituents agreed with the recommendation to withdraw the XRN, due to the scope not being sustainable for DSC customers in line with architectural and contractual principles. Discussions have been had with Meter Asset Providers (beneficiaries of the proposed change) and a proposal of continuing with the AdHoc service up to the end of 2021 was met with support.  If you are a Meter Asset Provider and wish to partake in the AdHoc service, please contact for more information.

The work that was proposed under XRN5120-B will continue, with the CDSP and it’s service providers looking at opportunities for industry wide comparison service to aid in data quality and process improvements across the board, but it will not be progressed under XRN5120.


PART A (Original Scope)

Meter Asset Providers have access to a best endeavours data reconciliation service of which a request has been received to make this an ongoing regular reconciliation.

Over the last year or so, the CDSP have been providing a service to Meter Asset Providers (MAPs) to compare their meter asset portfolio against UK Link systems and play back the submitted data (MAP ID, MRPN, SUPPLIER_ID, METER_SERIAL_NUMBER, METER_INSTALL_DATE) into specific ‘pots’ to outline where mismatches occur and reporting back were there mismatches are found.

XRN5120-A is looking to formalised this reconciliation process making an ongoing monthly service as a maximum frequency (but would also accommodate requests where customers wanted to participate quarterly or six monthly for example).

PART B (Extended Scope)

XRN5120-B is looking to cover the additional scope and engagement with multiple industry participants for a potential wider comparison service(s) to benefit the whole Gas industry.

This Change Proposal is looking to enhance this reconciliation process making it a more formal ongoing Monthly service as a maximum frequency (but would also accommodate requests where customers wanted to participate quarterly or six monthly for example).

Impacted Customer Types

  • MAP


Document title Last updated Type
XRN 5120 - Part A 15/Sep/2020 PDF
XRN5120 - Part B 11/Sep/2020 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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