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XRN 5169
UNMOD0722 (Urgent): Allow Users to submit Estimated Meter Reading during COVID-19

Last Updated
27 May 2021
Release Type
Implementation Date
12 May 2020
Proposer Gaz Prom Impacted DSC service area


To be confirmed

Customer Change Team Leader


Currently Users are unable to submit Estimated Meter Readings other than estimated Proposing User Estimate Opening Meter Readings (M 1.5.2 (c) (iv) refers), on the assumption that Shippers will either be able to obtain meter readings through site visits, or from customers.  Where such readings are not available, then the UNC requires that meter reads are obtained by the transporters under the must-read process. 

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, routine site visit activity has ceased.   In addition, many sites are unoccupied as the premises are closed, and their customers are unable to obtain meter readings. Indeed, they may be potentially breaking the law if they attempt to do so.  

Though many sites are known to be not consuming gas, it is not possible under the terms of the UNC to provide Estimated Meter Readings. These means that these sites are not being reconciled to their true consumption.

This Change will enable users to submit an Estimated Meter Reading as an Actual Meter Reading where in the User’s reasonable estimate, no Actual Meter Reading can be obtained as a result of coronavirus (as defined in the Coronavirus Act 2020).

  1. An Estimated Meter Reading must reflect as closely as possible the site’s estimated consumption for the period covered by the meter reading, in the User’s reasonable opinion.

3. User must keep records of how any Estimated Meter Readings were derived for a period of 2 years

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper


Document title Last updated Type
XRN5169 - CP 14/May/2020 PDF


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