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XRN 5469
Increasing the Frequency of FSG Payments

Last Updated
18 Oct 2022
Release Type
Implementation Date
30 Sep 2022
Proposer Cadent Gas Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 10 (Current Apr 21)

Invoicing Customers

Customer Change Team Leader


This Change looks to explore potential changes to increasing the frequency of FSG payments and would request that Xoserve assess options to facilitate this requirement; for Cadent only and, for all DNs. 

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Change Proposal Raised 16/05/2022 Approved at ChMC on 11/05/2022
Initial Review Stage not required N/A N/A
DSG Discussions N/A 22/06/2022 N/A
High Level Solution Options N/A 13/06/2022 N/A
Solution Review Comm ref: 3050.4 -RT -PO 15/07/2022 Approved at ChMC on 13/07/2022
Detailed Design Stage not required N/A N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not required N/A N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Approved 18/07/2022 Approved at ChMC on 13/07/2022
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Approved 18/10/2022 Approved at ChMC on 12/10/2022


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 05/01/22
Status Awaiting approval at ChMC
Approved into Capture 11/05/22
Status ChMC approved into Capture
Solution Consultation
Change Pack Issued 13/06/22
Status Option 1 approved at ChMC on 13/07/2022
Awaiting Delivery
Solution approved into Design 13/07/22
Status Awaiting release assignment
In Delivery
Adhoc Start Up 13/07/22
Status Project initiation
Successfully Implemented 12/10/22
Status CCR approved by ChMC

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