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XRN 5567
Implementation of Resend Functionality for Messages from CSS to GRDA (REC CP R0067)

Last Updated
14 May 2024
Release Type
Implementation Date
09 Dec 2023
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area

Customer Change Team Leader


The REC Change Proposal R0067 summarises the solution as follows:

Change Proposal R0067 aims to introduce refresh, or resend functionality to four CSS messages, that have been deemed of high priority. Refresh, or re-send functionality will be made available to the central CSS Data Providers, to ensure high impact incidents, such as late gate closure messages can be resolved.

The intention is to progress a future REC Change Proposal to widen the scope to encompass all messages and make the functionality available to all parties which interface with CSS, such as Suppliers.

The scope of the change currently includes a total of four messages, however two are deemed high priority for inclusion and the remaining two as medium priority. A Preliminary Impact Assessment will be required to confirm the most cost-efficient scope.

Messages to be assessed in the Preliminary Impact Assessment include:

  • High Priority: Registration SecuredActive Synchronisation; Registration Cancelled Synchronisation

Medium Priority: RMP Event Synchronisation; Registration Event Synchronisation

Impacted Customer Types

  • IGT
  • Shipper
  • Supplier
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Change Proposal Raised 18/10/22 Approved into Capture at ChMC 12/10/22
Initial Review Stage not required  N/A N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not required  N/A N/A
Solution Review Stage not required  N/A N/A
Detailed Design 3128.2 - VO - PO 14/02/2023 Approved at ChMC 08/02/23
Detailed Design 3221.3 - VO - PO 16/10/2023 Approved at ChMC 11/10/23 
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not required  N/A N/A

Business Evaluation Reports (BER)

Business Evaluation Reports (BER)


V2 - Revised BER


V1 approved at ChMC 11/01/23

V2 Revised BER approved at ChMC 12/07/23

Change Completion Reports (CCR) For Approval 14/05/2024 Approved at ChMC on 08/05/24


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 03/10/22
Status Approved at at ChMC 12/10/22
Approved to Capture 12/10/22
Status ChMC approved into Capture
Solution Consultation
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
In Delivery
Design Change Pack issued - approved at ChMC 08/02/23 02/10/23
Status Detailed Design Change Pack approved at ChMC 11/10/23
Change successfully implemented 09/12/23
Status Implemented

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