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XRN 5689
Updates to the CDSP Service Description Table (v30)New Service Lines to support XRN 5562 Enabling Direct Contractual Arrangements with Consumers for Demand Side Response

Last Updated
30 Oct 2023
Release Type
Implementation Date
19 Oct 2023
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


This Change Proposal is to seek approval for the introduction of two new service lines that have been created  to support  DSC Change Proposal XRN 5652 – Enabling Direct Contractual Arrangements with Consumers for Demand Side Response

The Change Proposal is associated with the Mods listed below which have been approved by Ofgem and were implemented on 7th August 2023

  • Mod 0844 – Enabling Direct Contractual Arrangements with Consumers for Demand Side Response
  • Mod 0845 -Enhancements to Demand Side Response (DSR) Arrangements including a D-5 Product

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO
  • IGT
  • NGT


Document title Comment Last updated CoMC outcome
Change Proposal CP Raised 30/10/23 Approved at CoMC 18/10/23
Initial Review Stage not required   N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not required   N/A
Solution Review Stage not required   N/A
Detailed Design Stage not required   N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not required   N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not required   N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not required   N/A


Change Proposal raised
Status Will go to CoMC for approval on 18/10/23
Change development
Stage not required 01/01/01
Solution development
Stage not required 01/01/01
Detailed design
Stage not required 01/01/01
Awaiting delivery
Stage not required 01/01/01
In delivery
Stage not required 01/01/01
Change implemented
Status Approved at CoMC 18/10/23 and implemented

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