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XRN 5700
Updates to the CDSP Service Description Table (v31)

Last Updated
28 Nov 2023
Release Type
Implementation Date
16 Nov 2023
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


CoMC are requested to approve the introduction of the service line ASGT-NC-SA9-22. Once Approved the line will be updated into the latest version of the CDSP Service Description Table (v32) and will be published within the CDSP Documents Section on the Joint Office Website

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO
  • IGT
  • NGT


Document title Comment Last updated CoMC outcome
Change Proposal CP raised 26/10/23

For information at ChMC 08/11/23

Approved at CoMC 15/11/23


Change Proposal raised
Status For approval at CoMC 15/11/23
Change development
Stage not required 01/01/01
Solution development
Stage not required 01/01/01
Detailed design
Stage not required 01/01/01
Awaiting delivery
Stage not required 01/01/01
In delivery
Stage not required 01/01/01
Change implemented
Change implemented following approval at CoMC 15/11/23

Contact the Change Team

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