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XRN 5484
New Service Line for SDT v22

Last Updated
16 Mar 2022
Release Type
Implementation Date
16 Mar 2022
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


A new service line  has been created to support Mod 0788 –

ASGT-NC-SA8-01 ‘Minimising the market impacts of ‘Supplier Undertaking’ operation. This is associated with XRN5450  which was raised to implement the solution required to be delivered as set out in the Mod

Service Requirement Description

Service Requirement Trigger

To make available where required, a demand tool which in the event of a Shipper termination, the tool would allow the CDSP to calculate estimate demand at Supplier level enabling the Supplier to enter an arrangement with a new Shipper to offset the demand,
via a trade, with the Terminated Shipper.

Supplier populates and submits the ‘Supplier – Failed Shipper replacement form’ which can be located on This is sent to the Shipper contact provided on the form. The Shipper requests the CDSP to provide the estimate demand.

Impacted Customer Types

  • IGT
  • NGT
  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Approved 29/02/2022 Approved at CoMC on 16/03/2022
DSG Discussion Overview provided 21/03/2022 N/A


Initial Review
CP Raised 28/02/22
Status Approved at CoMC on 16th March 2022
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
Solution Consultation
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
In Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not required
Expected: 16/03/22
Status Implemented 16/03/2022

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