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XRN 4376
GB Charging & Incremental (IP PARCA) Capacity Allocation Change Delivery (2019)

Last Updated
07 Oct 2020
Release Type
Implementation Date
08 Sep 2019
Proposer National Grid Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 20

UK Link Gemini System Services

Customer Change Team Leader


National Grid is legally obligated to be compliant with EU legislation and the Uniform Network Code (UNC). This Change Proposal proposes to modify Gemini to meet the obligations set-out in Modification 621 for GB Charging and Modification 597 and 611 in relation to the IP PARCA reservation and allocation process.

This change proposal is being raised in relation to the GB Charging and IP PARCA Incremental requirements, as detailed in the CBRS documents 2 & 3 from XRN4262.

The Gas Charging Review is an ongoing project to change the way that Gas Transportation Charges are devised. Its aim is to deliver more stable, predictable and less volatile charges for our customers and achieve timely compliance with the EU Tariff Code.

Modification 0678A has been approved by Ofgem and proposes to introduce a new Gas Transmission Charging regime that produces stable and predictable transportation charging and is compliant with the forthcoming EU Tariff Code. This may impact Entry and Exit Transmission charges effective from October 2020.

The GB EU Charging (2019/20) Programme (Parts A and B) is delivering the associated changes to systems and processes.  Part A delivered the initial Gemini changes on the 18th November 2018, with the majority of Gemini change is due within Part B in September 2020, in readiness for the regime start date 01/10/2020. 

An article was published by National Grid 1st June 2020 regarding UNC0678 - Amendments to the Gas Transmission Charging Regime, this has been published to and can be found here 

Impacted Customer Types

  • NGT


Document title Last updated Type
CP -2378.2 - RT- PO - Capacity vs Nominations - External -Screen - Pack-Detailed - Design 07/Aug/2019 PDF
Change Proposal XRN4376 17/Apr/2019 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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