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XRN 4453
Amendment to JOB / UPD Hierarchies to show ‘Irrelevant Datasets’ - Confirmation of File Format Changes and clarification on Version Control

Last Updated
17 Jan 2019
Release Type
Implementation Date
01 Mar 2019
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


Before Project Nexus was implementated, the file formats for UPD were identified as containing an Irrelevant ADDRS Dataset. It has also been highlighted that the MKPNT Dataset is also irrelevant as this dataset was only used to denote the provision of a Gas Transporter provided Data logger asset. This information is not recorded following separation of Daily Metered Service Provider.

The principle of ‘Irrelevant Datasets’ were established in the RGMA Implementation in July 2004, as were the conventions used by the Gas Transporters with respect to the UK Link formats contained within the UK Link Manual. This principle has been retained in contemporary versions of the RGMA application in the UK Link system.

In brief, where an irrelevant dataset is provided to the Central Data Service Provider, provided that this irrelevant dataset position adheres to the RGMA (ONJOB/ONUPD) hierarchy and the dataset adheres to the structure and domain rules, the irrelevant dataset will be removed before processing by UK Link. If either rule fails the transaction will be rejected with RESPN rejection.

Delivery Sub-Group (DSG) was presented with options regarding the presentation of file formats, and these were subsequently issued in Change Pack 1946.8 – LE – ES - XRN4453 – Confirmation of File Format Changes and clarification on Version Control. Representation responses were split, but the DSG approved the version of the hierarchies that provide the visibility of the irrelevant datasets.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper


Document title Last updated Type
XRN4453.1 CP 17/Jan/2019 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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