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XRN 5464
Technical Debt reduction – Enhancement to asset exchange process for Class 1 and 2 Meter Points

Last Updated
14 Nov 2022
Release Type
Implementation Date
16 Sep 2022
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 3 (Current Apr 21)

Manage updates to customer portfolio

Customer Change Team Leader


This change seeks to ensure that the read history of a Class 1 or 2 SMP, following meter exchange, is populated with accurate estimated reads in a timely manner and these are issued to the Shipper and DMSPs via existing file interfaces (MDR/DDR). This will ensure that all parties have an accurate view of the read history, future estimated reads are accurate and any associated risk on submission of future actual reads is reduced.


The required changes will be internal to the CDSP and utilisation of existing file formats and process will be sought in order to pass updates to Shippers and the DMSP. The analysis and corrective action will be undertaken in a support and maintenance capacity and, therefore, the proposed release will be ad hoc, in line with other maintenance work, to deliver benefits immediately.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal N/A 12/01/2022 Approved at ChMC on 12/01/2022
Initial Review Stage not yet reached N/A N/A
DSG Discussions  N/A 24/02/2022 N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Solution Review Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Detailed Design For approval at ChMC 09/02/2022 Approved at ChMC on 09/02/22
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not yet reached 15/01/2019 N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) N/A N/A N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) N/A 14/11/2022 Approved at ChMC on 9/11/2022


Initial Review
Change Proposal Raised 04/01/22
Status Awaiting Approval at ChMC
ChMC approved 12/01/22
Status Change moved directly to In Delivery
Solution Consultation
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not used
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 18/01/22
Status Stage not used
In Delivery
Change Pack issued 18/01/22
Status ChMC approved on 09/02/22. Adhoc release ASAP. Date TBC
Implemented 16/09/22
Status CCR approved at ChMC on 9/11/2022

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