3 June 2020

We are pleased to announce that we have been certified as a Carbon Neutral Organisation by offsetting our total emissions to the Darfur Low-Smoke Stoves Project. This will help to fund and provide fuel efficient cookstoves for North Darfur Women in Sudan.

This project is endorsed by the UN World Food Programme and has been awarded a gold standard for climate security and sustainable development. It also meets the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) for Carbon Offsetting.

The offsetting of our Carbon emissions will take place with immediate effect.

“We believe that as a responsible business, addressing the challenge of climate change, by reducing Xoserve’s Carbon footprint to net zero, is ethically the right thing to do. In doing this we support the wider Industry goal of reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050,” said Jamie Walker, Emergency Climate Group member.

“Our five-year Carbon Challenge strategy will take Xoserve on a journey to become a more eco minded organisation, embedding environmental sustainability practices into the heart of our business and eliminating emissions.”

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